понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Fixes missing text on the map indicator at the start of spikeout. Now computed same as new engine, with 4-bit light modifier and corrected fog mixing in shaders. Games are now defined in an XML file. No brackets anywhere either. Supermodel Forum The official Supermodel forum. You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post. There is no either before you uncompress it or after you uncompress the file that just installs it. widescreen fixer r312

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Saves re-uploading the same textures whilst paused r More accurate 2D colours.

Unfortunately had to revert a lot of the automated configuration that Harry had inserted. Doing this means the topmost translucent polys only are visible in the scene, the equivalent of doing a depth pass first, but without the added cost.

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This quite radically changes the brightness of some of the games, but much better matches widescreen original hardware. It's nice just to walk or ride your horse around in the game looking at widescrren scenery.

These are only to demonstrate what should be typed there. Game now boots but crashes because VROM texture uploads clobber memory for some reason. The real3d pro on the other hand passes a pre-calculated face normal for each polygon which is used for culling.

Supermodel Forum • View topic - Supermodel Latest Builds for Download (currently SVN )

The ocean hunter requires this for some of the 2d stuff. This means the texture coordinate for potentially different sizes textures is shared. Seem to much better match expected output. If fogging values are calculated ifxer clamped in the vertex shader it can interpolate bad values, since the range has been truncated.

The Elder Scrolls V: The exact scaling values are not known, but a 2x difference between each level seems highly likely. Harry correctly figured out if you scale these normals by the scaling value that is sometimes present in the culling nodes the lighting looks correct.

Trying to instal software for widescreen setup | PCMech Community Forum

So when multiplied fixeg the model matrix they are still 0 and get culled. Format r Added support for multiple value types in config nodes.

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Currently these are win32 specific but can port to SDL or whatever later. This fixes a bunch of fogging errors I long thought were transparency related errors in the ocean hunter.

Trying to instal software for widescreen setup

Node when adding nested nodes only leaf level can be duplicated; e. Fixes some overlapping shadows in vf3tb that have different priority layers. Widescrewn brackets anywhere either. The model3 is strange in the fact it only supports a max of two translucent overlapped polys. Max observed value is Yes, my password is: David MFeb 12, Jun 19, Messages: Exceptions can be thrown now on lookup failures.

widescreen fixer r312

Board index All times are UTC. I am new to the forum but I am from the start!! Not really much of a difference from before except that the Scud Race castle is fixed at the expense of the Yosemite level in LA Machineguns being too bright.

This clearly differs from the SDK, but without this the values come out clearly wrong. Fixes missing text on the map indicator at the start of spikeout. Does this affect any games? He also worked out that the lighting on hardware 1.

Texture coordinate wrap around happens in the same texture sheet, not into the next one. It looks like these polys have a bad matrix, but the node distances are all zero.

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