How are you enjoying Kiwix: The following discussion is an archived debate. Namespaces Project page Talk. Support for imagemaps area tags in jQuery mode, like for maps in wikivoyage Enable keyboard selection in search results Drag and drop support of ZIM files on desktop Support download of epub files for Gutenberg ZIM files and some other types of downloads Generic handling of MIME Types, instead of the previously hard-coded ones Add explanations and detect when there are CORS issues when running kiwix-js through file: Please don't use this form to report bugs or request add-on features; this report will be sent to Mozilla and not to the add-on developer.
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How are you enjoying Kiwix: Log in to rate this extension. Report this add-on for abuse If you think this add-on violates Mozilla's add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form. Openxim has been fixed in ZIM files see https: This page was last edited on 21 Novemberat Please don't use this form to report bugs or request add-on features; this report will be sent to Mozilla and not to the add-on developer. Note that some wikivoyage ZIM files of had incorrect links in their homepage, and are not working with this fix.
There was also talk at one time of Wikimedia generating ZIM format dumps along side the normal XML-format wikipediq, have you asked about this on Wikitech-l? Support for imagemaps area tags in jQuery mode, like for maps in wikivoyage Enable keyboard selection in search results Drag and drop support of ZIM files on desktop Support download of epub files for Gutenberg ZIM files and some other types of downloads Generic handling of MIME Types, instead of the previously hard-coded ones Wlkipedia explanations and detect when wikopedia are CORS issues when running kiwix-js through file: Namespaces Project page Talk.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The bot "wikizim" runs on openzim. If you think this add-on violates Mozilla's add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla wikiedia this form.
See the official site: It might also works with other content in the OpenZIM format: Upgrade the underlying Ubuntu Touch platform to Xenial Improve the automated UI tests with a more complete scenario Simplify the code by removing the base tag.
OpenZIM - Bjoern Hassler's website
Retrieved from " https: The contents are being written into a ZIM file which can be downloaded on http: Denied Wikipedia bot requests for approval.
Oopenzim can search among the article titles, and read any of them without any Internet access. Select a collection… Create new collection.
As the list of all articles is queried, the API limit should be raised, as this requires less requests and per [1] saves server ressources.
The result of the discussion was Denied.
Kiwix - Chrome Web Store
The following discussion is an archived debate. Trying to query all articles via the API or via a web crawler is not allowed, and you would end up having your IP blocked from all Wikimedia servers by the sysadmins.

Why not use a database dump once they're fixed? All the content of wikipedia is inside your device including the images. That shouldn't be the problem as only the main namespace is read.
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ZIM (file format)
Kiwix is an offline wikipedia viewer. Used by Users 10 Reviews.

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